Saturday, August 21, 2010

DSP Share: Project #21

DSP: Elegant Soiree

I need to do more with these papers soon. But I am loving this card for sure! Again, vintage brads, crochet ribbon...who would have thunk it?! I did copy the catty for this layout and design. Can you find it? Let me know the catty page number in a comment! The person with the first correct answer wins DSP!


JenMarie said...


Holly AKA KopyKat said...

It kinda looks like the one on page 103, but my focus tends to leave the projects and migrate to the yummy stamps on each page. lol.

Love your card design and the dsp reguardless

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

OMG, duhhhhh, it's right on the front cover. lol.

Unknown said...

THERE ya go, holly! ;) i knew all those yummy stamps were just getting in the way earlier, that's all.