Friday, August 20, 2010

DSP Share: Project #20

DSP: Wicked Fun

Cool, we are up to TWENTY projects with our recent DSP Share. It sure feels good to use up the stash...because more is uh-comin'! (Psst, our September share is more DSP!)

I like this more cutesy Halloween-ish card. The owls are from Fox and Friends.

Can you find the layout inspiration in the catalog? Be the first to leave a comment with the page number and you win! I will send out some DSP to the winner.


Mandy said...

yay...owls, my fav! super cute...copying this one for sure!!!

Laura M. said...

Very cute card! I found one like it on page 56 and it made me thirsty. Hee Hee.

Unknown said...

Yay Laura, you got it! I will throw some DSP in your club bag and hopefully deliver soon since I'm out that way often...and keep forgetting, sorry!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

so adorable, love it