Monday, February 22, 2010

My Digital Studio Card

I was so touched when I received this birthday card from a stamping friend on SCS. We met when she was kind enough to bail me out on a last-minute shortage of Curry Ribbon. What a fabulous woman!

Anyways, her kindness continued as she printed and sent me this pre-designed birthday card using SU's new digital program, My Digital Studio. I do not have the program yet so I was thrilled to see a sample live and in person.

Thanks again, Sherrie. :)


Holly AKA KopyKat said...

that is so pretty! Love the colors and design she used.

Theresa Tyree said...

Jamie, I've been looking over your blog at some of the older posts. You are one of the kindest, generous people I've ever "met". I'm so glad I'm getting to know you better!