Monday, September 24, 2012

October Class ~ Christmas Framed Art $18

UPDATE:  This is now just offered as a "take-home kit".  If you are long-distance and want to participate, please contact me to discuss options.  Thanks!

COST:  $18 including frame (1 punch)
RSVP:  Sign-up and payment deadline is Mon, Sep 31st, while class supplies last.

The center piece is from designer paper, and everyone's will have a different image.  You will be able to choose your image in the order that I received your payment.  So pay first, and you get first pick!  :)  All of them are cute though!  ;)

Use this framed art to decorate your own home this holiday season.  Or give this away as a gift!  If you keep this for home, you can change out the artwork with the seasons!  :)  That's why you just might need TWO frames, one for a gift and one for YOU!  :)

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