I was going to put small square baskets on the stairs until I found these pots on clearance at Target for 66 cents each. I thought they would blend in well, and I was right!
To avoid two of the same letter (Jamie & Jeff or Mommy & Miles), we have "Daddy", "Jamie", "Miles", and "Graham". It works.
Jeff is not so sure about this concept. But we are using it. He thinks the buckets should go away when company is over. I say it's "Pottery Barn-ish" and is ok to stay out because it's cute. Who is right?
LOVE this!
They can TOTALLY stay out!!
super cute i think! i would leave them out...sorry jeff!
of course you are right! Why does he question your brilliance?
You're right, of course!!! Was there every really a question?
omg, definitely leave them out. such a personal touch to organizing. great idea. thanks for sharing!
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